1.   A fire, probably started in the Casino to help keep the drifters warm, got out of hand.

2.   At about the seventeenth day the first butterflies will probably start to emerge.

3.   A fire, probably started by a discarded cigarette, rapidly engulfed an escalator on the London underground.

4.   It will probably start on Boxing Day when we are right in the middle of winter.

5.   Although inventories increased in November, analysts said wholesalers probably started to reduce inventories heading into the new year.

6.   Although inventories increased in November, analysts also said wholesalers probably started to reduce inventories heading into the new year.

7.   And I probably started working on the visual side of things really quite desperately to find some salvation as an artist.

8.   And Friday, when Toomer learned he would probably start Sunday against the Dallas Cowboys in Irving, Texas, he was just as casual.

9.   Any lines probably would start today.

10.   Another junior college transfer, Albert Richardson, will probably start at center.

d. + start >>共 379
also 6.27%
just 6.17%
already 5.10%
when 4.29%
again 3.98%
then 3.36%
now 2.79%
where 2.54%
slowly 2.24%
early 2.12%
probably 1.49%
probably + v. >>共 943
be 14.53%
have 6.21%
take 1.91%
go 1.77%
make 1.75%
do 1.55%
get 1.43%
come 1.30%
will 1.28%
know 1.23%
start 0.78%
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